zondag 24 mei 2009

New summer clothes

I've bought some new clothes for the summer!

A top from spex and some


T-shirt from O'neill

Summerdress from Madonna

Summer is coming!

By h&m, summer collection

DIY/New trend: Tie-dye

A new trend, seen on the runway: tie-dye-effectA t-shirt the tie-dye-way

(1) Balenciaga Tie-Dye Top (£670); (2) Top Shop Silk Tie Dye miniskirt (£25); (3) Oli Dip Dye Frill Sleeve Dress (£29); (4) Stella McCartney Tie Dye Bag (£375 on sale); and (5) Society for Rational Dress Tie Dye Pants ($163 on sale)

Matthew Williamson Tie-Dye Dress

Nice t-shirt with heart.



Perhaps the most iconic tie-dye pattern, this style is achieved by creating pleats of fabric all stemming circularly from a central point. Once you fold the fabric into pleats, compress it into a bun and tie it into shape. After it’s dyed and released, the fabric will have a vortex-like spiral pattern.


Similar to the spiral, this pattern is created by choosing a central point on the fabric around which the circles will revolve. The fabric is picked up at this point and arranged into neat and evenly spaced pleats running down the length of the fabric. It should loosely resemble a closed umbrella. Tie the fabric to maintain its shape when dyed. The resulting pattern will have colorful concentric circles.Randomly spaced circles can be created by gathering fabric into individual bunches along the surface and tying them separately. The resulting circles will be separate from one another, but can be coordinated creatively into unique patterns.


This pattern will yield the simplest and most free form results. Simply gather the fabric into small bunches and then mold them together into a compressed ball. There is no formula to this method and should be used to create a simple and randomly dyed pattern. The number of colors and tightness of the ties will affect the complexity of the pattern.

Stripes can be achieved in multiple ways. To create a softer and more gradated pattern simple roll your fabric loosely lengthwise or widthwise into a long tube. Tie the roll of fabric at intervals depending on the desired width of the stripe and then immerse the sections in the desired color of dyes.Bold and geometric stripes can also be created through pleating and folding. Simply fold the fabric in the desired widths of stripes and fasten and dye them accordingly. Stripes can run parallel to each other or intersect to create a wide array of shapes. Intersecting stripes are popularly used to create V’s, X’s, and with circles to created the iconic peace sign.
you can also watch a film on youtube like this one:
Have fun tie-dying!

dinsdag 19 mei 2009

Gok's fashion fix

Fashionprogramme on tv!

In the British fashionprogramme Gok’s Fashion Fix the last trends on fashion come along. The stylist Gok Wan (known from How to Look Good Naked) shows us all ins and outs off fashion. He is being assisted by former model Alexa Chung. They also will be showing you the world off famous fashion designers, such as Jean Paul Gaultier and Karl Lagerfeld, ánd you get to see the exclusive wardrobe off some celeberties.

Every sunday at 17.30 p.m.

Nice cap

Superstylish cap, usefull for comming summer! For just 9,95 (no shippingkosts!) it's yours!