-colored thread
-some patience
I want to share this very nice and easy DIY with you. I came across some really cute looking iPhone chargers. They looked like the ones beneath.Unfortunately, when I found them, they turned out to be pretty expensive.
After that I thought to myself, let's Do It Myself, it shouldn't be that hard to make my own version. And so I did. You just choose the colors you like, put them next to each other and then you keep turning the thread around the charger till you're at the end. I hadn't had enough blue thread, so in the middle I changed to pink/silver. You could do this with every charger offcourse.
Here are some pictures of my DIY-project.
What do you guys think of my DIY cable chargers? Are you going to do it yourself? If so, please show me your creations! And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them!