So, in a couple of hours I'm flying back to Málaga!! Me and my boyfriend have been together for one year and he's taking me to Málaga as a surprise. I didn't expected anything at all, so I was really surprised when I saw my bed with rose petals on there in a heart shape and two envelopes next to the heart. In the first evelope was a loving letter and in the second envelope I found the travel documents and the plane tickets! I can't wait to be back in Málaga. I'm going to show my boyfriend everything, I'll be his personal tourguide! I selected some nice pictures from beautifull Málaga for you to enjoy!
scenic view, source: allaroundmalaga
Malagueta beach, source: pinterest
bracelet, source: weheartit
scenic view, source: stedentripper
random street ambience, source: weheartit